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Kosher in Ann Arbor

Prepared Foods and Meals

During the academic year, the Hillel Cafe prepares a variety of kosher cold sandwiches, wraps, sides, fruit, drinks, and more that are available for purchase from the Grab & Go fridge at the front of the Hillel building.  Shabbat meals are available for pickup Friday afternoon or dine-in on Friday evening.  The Hillel kitchen can also prepare catered trays.  For full information, visit the Hillel cafe website.

In addition, the Kosher dining station in South Quad cafeteria is open to the public Sunday-Friday for lunch and Sunday-Thursday for dinner.  Visit the MDining Website for daily and weekly menus.

Kosher Groceries

Ann Arbor shoppers have access to an impressive array of kosher products, from the mundane to the haute gourmet. All of the major grocery chains stock kosher items and the thrill of finding a new and exciting tidbit is just around the corner. The list below details some of the specialty items and where they may be found:

Many of the stores increase their offerings during the pre-Pesach shopping frenzy. It is possible to outfit your kitchen for Pesach without getting on the expressway.

Kroger 3615 Washtenaw (tel: 734-677-2370)
This branch carries: Fresh meat inclding lamb, fresh Empire poultry. (Thurs. delivery) Frozen Empire poultry, entrees from Empire, Meal Mart and others.  Note: deli counter is not under supervision. Several brands of Kosher hot dogs and luncheon meats (packaged). Packaged breads and other bakery produces from several manufacturers.  Sabra and Oasis salads and appetizers. Kosher aisle with Osem, Hadar, Streit’s, Rokeach, etc. products.

Busch’s ValuLand 2240 S. Main (tel: 734-998-2666)
A freezer with foods from Bloom's Kosher Foods. Challot and rolls from Zeman's Bakery in Oak Park.

Whole Foods Market 3135 Washtenaw Ave. at Huron Parkway
(tel: 734-975-4500)
Specializes in organic and natural products, some available with hechsher.

Trader Joe’s 2398 East Stadium Blvd (In the Lampost Plaza)
(tel: 734-975-2455)
Kosher food including fresh beef, Empire poultry, and Challah available.

Gordon Food Service Marketplace 3800 Carpenter Rd. (tel: 734-677-2500)
Caters to institutional needs with bulk items but does stock Eli’s Cheescakes from Chicago and other frozen baked goods with a hechsher.

Costco 771 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 (tel: 734-213-8010)
Many kosher products, including kosher frozen meats.

Kosher options in Metro Detroit

The Metro Detroit Jewish community is just a 45 minute drive away and offers a wide variety of kosher restaurants and grocery stores. For information regarding kosher food in Detroit, please see contact the Detroit Va'ad (with the following link):



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